Damage caused by environmental effects will now cancel stealth (e.g.Note that the movement slowing effects will not stack, but the debuff icons will remain to ensure the full duration of these effects persist. The Dazed effect caused by NPCs will now stack with all other movement slowing effects.Pets will now enter passive/follow mode when their masters mount.It will no longer be possible to swap any equipment while stunned.Fist Weapons will now have the normal chance to parry that all weapons use.Stoneform (Dwarf Racial) can now be used to cancel self-inflicted poison effects.Cannibalize (Undead Racial) - Regeneration increased to 35% of a character's total health over 10 seconds.Will of the Forsaken (Undead Racial) - duration of the lasting immunity effect decreased to 5 seconds.If you click the "Remember Name" checkbox on the left side of the screen, the game will automatically fill in your account name when it starts up. There is a new option upon the login screen.Local guards can give you directions on how to find the battlemaster that you're looking for. The functionality is exactly the same, so when it's your character's time to enter the chosen battleground, you will be teleported directly in. Battlemasters! Located in each of the cities, right-clicking on a battlemaster will allow your character to enter a battleground queue just like you normally would if you touched that battleground's entrance portal. Battlemasters There is a new way to enter the battleground queues. When the faire is on its way barkers will stop by Orgrimmar and Ironforge to announce its arrival.

While the Faire spends most of their time in parts unknown, they do stop from time to time in Mulgore and Elwynn Forest. Darkmoon Faire A gathering of the exotic from around the world and beyond, Silas Darkmoon has brought together the Darkmoon Faire as a celebration of the wondrous and mysterious found in Azeroth.

Blackwing Lair is a max-level, 40-player raid dungeon, with many new encounters and tempting rewards awaiting the intrepid adventurer that dares enter its halls. It is there in the dark recesses of the mountain's peak that Nefarian has begun to unfold the final stages of his plan to destroy Ragnaros once and for all and lead his army to undisputed supremacy over all the races of Azeroth. World of Warcraft Client Patch 1.6.0 Trailer įile:World of Warcraft Assault on Blackwing Lair Patch 1.6 Trailer Blackwing Lair Released Nefarian's sanctum, Blackwing Lair, can be found at the very height of Blackrock Spire.